International journal of Interdisciplinary studies in Business, Technology, and Education

ISSN 2333-5981
Next publication date: September, 2020

Comparative analysis of the History of Education in the United States on a Global Scale

Ariunaa Dashtsogt

Environmental behaviors and obstacles in practice

Jane Lu

Assessment of Nutritional Status and Associated Factors Among Adult TB Patients on Directly Observed Treatment of Short Course in Health Facilities at Adama Town, East Shewa Zone, Ethiopia

Fikirte Firew Guadie

Intellectual Disability and Sexual Health

Karlyn Emile

Entrepreneurs’ Capital Acquisition Challenges in Brooklyn, New York A Qualitative Phenomenological Analysis

Wesley Palmer

An Augmenting of Data Mining Techniques and Algorithms for Academic Measurements and Evaluations

Gebeyehu Belay Gebremeske

Influenza A Viruses in Artificial Community Water Ponds Potential for IAV Surveillance

Zin M Htway

Corporate Social Responsibility and International Accounting

Brandon Schweitzer

A Correlational Study Examining the Relationship between Social Responsibility and Financial Performance

Sean A Stanley

Gaining Competitive Advantage through Market Innovation and building Strategic Alliances and Partnerships

Olabode Samuel Adeola

Computer-Mediated Communication Technologies and Self-Efficacy in Online Learning

Kim Tran

Exploitation in urban labour marketsand resilience factors- Lessons from the Maasai migrant workers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Emmanuel J Munishi